wood board painted with a geometric pattern


Professional consultant

and amateur adult

brick wall painted with bright, organic shapes


Strategist • Designer • Leader

By day, I lead the strategy practice at a tech consultancy called TXI. We design and build innovative custom software for healthcare, life sciences and manufacturing orgs. Our work leverages data and AI to help clients accomplish things better, faster and cheaper.

I’m also half of Goodmaker which is a decades-long collaboration with Laurel Hechanova. We're focused on helping people have better conversations and meetings.

Since 2019 I’ve played a pro bono advisory role with Embarc, enabling the org to leverage technology and design thinking to scale their program and advance their mission.

wood paneling pained with bright, angular colors


Husband • Nerd • Humanist

I’m a long-time Chicagoan with an abiding love of books, basketball, bicycles and beer. Also alliteration.

My partner Jamie and I spend our time traveling, seeing live music, traveling to see live music, and eating pizza.

The majority of our favorite misadventures begin with the seemingly innocuous questions: “how hard could it be?” and “what’s the worst that could happen?”

We live with a goofy dog named Ziggy. He’s a fetch wizard.